EM_Event Object
[event_id] => 23
[post_id] => 1885
[event_parent] =>
[event_slug] => online-series
[event_owner] => 9
[event_name] => Online Series
[event_start_time:protected] => 10:30:00
[event_end_time:protected] => 12:00:00
[event_start_date:protected] => 2020-06-05
[event_end_date:protected] => 2020-07-24
[event_start:protected] => 2020-06-05 09:30:00
[event_end:protected] => 2020-07-24 11:00:00
[event_all_day] =>
[event_timezone:protected] => Europe/London
[post_content] =>
Leeds Dance Partnership is hosting a series of free online sessions to support independent artists in Leeds and the surrounding area in response to the current COVID-19 crisis.
At a time when we are being asked to physically keep our distance from one another, Leeds Dance Partnership wants to work with the local dance community to keep connected and support opportunities for growth and development during this challenging time.
Each session in the Online Series will include expert input and professional facilitation from across the sector.
Fri 5 June 10.30am – 12noon
Going Digital? What to consider
Many artists and creatives have shifted their projects online – but where do you start? This session is an opportunity to make sure any digital work you produce will be high quality, in the best format and accessible. It’s also a chance to consider all aspects of safeguarding, licensing and legal areas such as intellectual property and other rights.
Fri 19 June 10.30am – 12noon
De-Mystifying Networking
‘Networking’ can be a valuable tool but often gets perceived as ‘awkward small-talk’ and ‘trying to meet the right people’. How can you make ‘networking’ feel genuine and relevant to your work? This session will tackle several aspects of networking, from an independent dance artist perspective, including aspects of social media and marketing yourself, terminology, language and how to articulate what you do.
Fri 24 July 10.30am – 12noon
Fundraising for individuals (beyond ACE) – SOLD OUT
Beyond Arts Council England (ACE) funding, where can you secure partnerships and funding to create and present work? Alongside looking into alternate funding streams, this session will also identify adequate governance structures for individuals which may help unlock new funding sources.
Leeds Dance Partnership has put together a group of independent Leeds City Region artists who will support and attend the online series – making connections, suggestions, learning from the speakers and sharing with others from our region.
The Online Series is a partnership project with the Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy Programme.

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[ID] => 1885
[post_author] => 9
[post_date] => 2020-05-27 08:46:20
[post_date_gmt] => 2020-05-27 07:46:20
[post_title] => Online Series
[post_excerpt] => Leeds Dance Partnership is hosting a series of free online sessions to support independent artists in Leeds and the surrounding area in response to the current COVID-19 crisis.
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05/06/2020 - 24/07/2020
Leeds Dance Partnership is hosting a series of free online sessions to support independent artists in Leeds and the surrounding area in response to the current COVID-19 crisis.
At a time when we are being asked to physically keep our distance from one another, Leeds Dance Partnership wants to work with the local dance community to keep connected and support opportunities for growth and development during this challenging time.
Each session in the Online Series will include expert input and professional facilitation from across the sector.
Fri 5 June 10.30am – 12noon
Going Digital? What to consider
Many artists and creatives have shifted their projects online – but where do you start? This session is an opportunity to make sure any digital work you produce will be high quality, in the best format and accessible. It’s also a chance to consider all aspects of safeguarding, licensing and legal areas such as intellectual property and other rights.
Fri 19 June 10.30am – 12noon
De-Mystifying Networking
‘Networking’ can be a valuable tool but often gets perceived as ‘awkward small-talk’ and ‘trying to meet the right people’. How can you make ‘networking’ feel genuine and relevant to your work? This session will tackle several aspects of networking, from an independent dance artist perspective, including aspects of social media and marketing yourself, terminology, language and how to articulate what you do.
Fri 24 July 10.30am – 12noon
Fundraising for individuals (beyond ACE) – SOLD OUT
Beyond Arts Council England (ACE) funding, where can you secure partnerships and funding to create and present work? Alongside looking into alternate funding streams, this session will also identify adequate governance structures for individuals which may help unlock new funding sources.
Leeds Dance Partnership has put together a group of independent Leeds City Region artists who will support and attend the online series – making connections, suggestions, learning from the speakers and sharing with others from our region.
The Online Series is a partnership project with the Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy Programme.