Keeping You Safe
Leeds Dance Partnership and all the Dance Open Day venues are committed to keeping you and the artists safe, whilst you enjoy getting back into dance with us. Please see below individual information for each venue. Please check this once you have decided which Open Day events you plan to enjoy.
Yorkshire Dance
Yorkshire Dance encourage visitors to wear face coverings around the building (unless exempt), but these can be taken off when participating in sessions. They have test & trace signs around the building and hand sanitiser stations.
1 parent/carer is permitted to attend and observe their child’s session without the need to book a ticket if they wish.
Northern Ballet
All participants and observers over the age of 11 are asked to wear masks both during sessions and when moving around the building. Sanitising stations are provided for use throughout the building and participants will be temperature checked on entry to the building.
There will be no changing rooms so dancers will need to come ready to dance and specific footwear requirements must be adhered to. Please see each event for requirements in each studio.
All Northern Ballet and Phoenix Dance Theatre events requires a 1 parent to 1 child attendance. For these events, the purchase of one ticket admits one parent and one child.
Please other events carefully – if you are not taking part in the session, you will be asked to wait outside the building.
Leeds Playhouse
To keep everyone safe, Leeds Playhouse strongly encourage visitors to wear a face covering throughout their visit and to be mindful of other’s need for personal space. Contactless temperature checks will be carried out at the point of arrival and we have made hand sanitiser available across the building.
Northern School of Contemporary Dance
Face coverings will no longer be compulsory for students, staff and visitors either in teaching rooms or in most communal areas. However, NSCD ask that students and staff continue to wear masks in the crowded spaces such as the reception social area or in the foyer area when queuing to go into Riley Theatre.
From July 2021, NSCD will no longer be carrying out temperature checks on individuals entering the building. However, we encourage all students, staff and visitors to continue to participate in regular lateral flow testing and if you think you have symptoms or receive a positive lateral flow test, stay at home and take a PCR test.
We ask that students and participants of classes, workshops and events are dropped off at the front entrance to the NSCD building, where they will be met by NSCD Staff and that only those attending activity in the building enter to reduce visitor traffic through the building.